Sunday, 21 August 2011

Ten Mistakes Working With Adsense

Ten Mistakes Working With Adsense, Ten Mistakes Working With Adsense, Ten Mistakes Working With Adsense Ten Mistakes Working With Adsense, Ten Mistakes Working With Adsense, Ten Mistakes Working With Adsense, Ten Mistakes Working With Adsense, Ten Mistakes Working With Adsense, Ten Mistakes Working With Adsense
Ten Mistakes Working With Adsense

Big Mistakes While Working With Adsense

Honesty is the best policy. Google only works with honest people, make sure, you are not thinking to cheat or make fraud with Google otherwise you will no more able to work with Google and your Google Adsense Account will be immediately banned. Please keep in your mind to avoid the following points and try to avoid these mistakes while working with Google Adsense.
Invalid Clicks
Avoid to be self clicker. You don't click on your ads yourself or don't someone else to click on your ads for you. Google has very intelligent application/System that can review easily if someone is making fraud with it. so be careful. Further don't join such communities those exchange AdSense clicks, may be it will be fruitful for you short term but definitely harmful for you in long term, think, if your AdSense revenue is $98 and your account is banned due to policy violation what would be your feelings.
Black List
If you are already in black list of Google database, you are not able to work with it, as soon as you will create an account you will definitely be banned by Google Adsense. so Make sure, that your carrier with Google is neat and clean.

Create One Adsense Account Only
You need not create more than one Adsense Account because Google Adsense is very simple and flexible, even if you have 200 websites, one Google Adsense account is enough to fulfill the requirements to display ads on big number of website or bloggs, it has no restriction of any kind.

Wrong Words
Some people force their users to click on these ads, for this purpose they use such words, like "Click Here", "Useful Links", "Click and Win" and so on. Remember, Google discourage such words and your website rank will be suffered so instead of these words just use the other ones, like "Advertisement" and "Sponsored By".

Supporting Language
Make sure, choose Google approved language to express your words in our website, for example Urdu is not approved language by Google.

Avoid Sharing Adsense Codes
Please don't share AdSense JavaScript code with anyone by email, Google strictly look after these matters even on the emails.

Pop Up Window or Message
Google don't agree with popup windows AdSense use. Please use code in popup windows.

Blank Pages
If you website has no contents or you have not put any kind of information on your website, don't display ads on that page.

User Feedback Pages
Avoid displaying Google ads on the pages where you are taking information from the user. as application forms, Feedback Forms, User Login Forms, User Comments Forms and so on.

Auto Invalid Clicks
There are some tools in the market like "Auto Clicker" and "Click Sensor" that can be used to click automatically on Google Ads, but Google observed such programs very critically and strictly so avoid such things if you want to keep your account safe and sound and wants to work with Google for long period of time.
Ten Mistakes Working With Adsense, Ten Mistakes Working With Adsense, Ten Mistakes Working With Adsense Ten Mistakes Working With Adsense, Ten Mistakes Working With Adsense, Ten Mistakes Working With Adsense, Ten Mistakes Working With Adsense, Ten Mistakes Working With Adsense, Ten Mistakes Working With Adsense

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